Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Fox and Caroline and Little Elbow

Here's a few pics of the now go-to mountain horse The Fox. He's twelve now with literally thousands of hours under his cinch and flashy as ever with all those uncountable spots (!). An endurance girlfriend was asking the other day about sharing her horse with other riders and my take is, I don't. Kind of like sharing husbands really, they just don't come back the same. But, as one of about four people who've ridden him over his lifetime and to show the exception to the rule, here's the gelding with an English girlfriend and just amazing stalwart suppporter over years as we hit 'The Perfect Day' (mind, unlike Lou Reed no heroin needed, grin) at the Little Elbow. He liked the fact she wasn't as bossy as I am and, eeargh, lighter too. A true horsewoman she asked how he liked to be ridden, and about twenty seconds later we were splashing through the Little Elbow River heading out
- I don't know if I would be so trusting on a strange horse, in a different country and riding THROUGH different terrain to England's countryside and bridleways.

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